I am an ecologist and conservation biologist. I currently am a Visiting Assistant Professor at Colgate University in Hamilton, NY.
My current research focuses on rare wetland plant communities and their conservation. I'm collaborating with Dr. Sara Scanga to analyze spreading globeflower's (Trollius laxus) status at Nelson Swamp Unique Area in Nelson, NY. I also worked with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to update the status of federally protected Houghton's goldenrod (Solidago houghtonii).
In my past life, I was a high school biology teacher in southeastern PA and a seasonal naturalist for various county parks, national wildlife refuges, and national parks. I also worked as a research tech studying grassland and forest songbird communities, and granivorous ground beetles in ag fields.
I am passionate about natural history, education, and conservation, and particularly love when those three things can be combined. When I'm not teaching or figuring out why my R code isn't working, I love to botanize, bird, garden with native plants, and find new cooking adventures.